Error codes for Bryant Furnace

Bryant is a brand of furnaces from Bryant Furnace or Bryant Evolution Company. The company has been in the industry for some time. It has been manufacturing and selling high-quality heating and cooling equipment since some time ago. The company has been producing products that are designed to maintain the efficiency of heating and cooling systems.

The company has a long history of providing great products and services to its customers. Since its establishment, Bryant has been creating and designing a variety of products that will provide you with the best services and performance. The company is known for providing a wide range of products, including furnaces, air conditioners, heat pumps, and more. The company is also committed to creating superior products that will help you maintain the comfort level in your home or office.

However, there are also some common issues that homeowners have with their Bryant furnaces. These issues can lead to dangerous situations and even expensive repairs. The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive guide on how to identify these common issues so that you can be able to solve them quickly and effectively. Let’s check out some of the common problems and their possible solutions.

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The fire furnace’s igniter might either be cracked or faulty.

Check for cracks and if there are any, replace the igniter. If it is not cracked, then use a multimeter to test for continuity.


There is a possibility that your thermostat is adjusting incorrectly, causing the furnace to cycle on and off too often. If your thermostat has a calibrated scale that is adjustable, adjust the heat anticipator. If this does not cause the temperature to rise and stabilize the unit, it is possible that you will have to replace the thermostat.

Blower Motor

There is a possibility that your blower motor has completely burned out. If that is not the case, the connection belt may have just broken.

Check to see if the motor is producing power. If it doesn’t, but it is still not running, then the motor has probably failed. If the motor runs, but the air doesn’t move, it is probable that the connecting belt is broken. You will also need to replace the belt.

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Control Board

It is on the control board that regulates the amount of voltage that will reach all the parts that are used. When the relay that controls the blower motor is failing, it will continue to send voltage to the motor. Then, replace the controller.

Error Codes

Error codes 12 and 44: It seems that there is a fault in the blower calibration.

Error code 13: This is the problem with the limit switch being tripped. The furnace will automatically reset after three hours.

Error code 14: Ignition problem (controllable by auto-reset after three hours).

Error code 23: There is a problem with the blower airflow selection.

Error code 34: the ignition process is not working correctly.

Error code 41: The blower is not working at the right speed and the blower is not spinning at the right revolution per minute.

Error code 43: There is a fault with the calibration of the pressure switch.

Error code 45: The furnace is locked because there is a problem with the control circuitry. The furnace will automatically reset after one hour.

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