Coaguchek Xs is a digital home blood test device produced by Beckman Coulter. It is used to detect anemia, haemochromatosis and other disorders that can affect the body’s ability to produce red blood cells.
When you try to use your Coaguchek XS digital home blood test device, you might encounter an error code. It can cause an issue with the Coaguchek Xs’s performance, and you might encounter this error when you try to check your test results or if you try to use it to collect samples.
Error 5 means that there is an error while applying the blood. It happens when there is not really enough blood on the test strip, or you did not apply the blood very thoroughly, or you have used an inefficient technique for blood tests.
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To fix that, turn the INR meter off and clean the test strip. If the I-Net meter shows that there is not enough blood in the sample, it is wrong to apply the blood too heavily or the test strip was not properly cleaned. Re-run the procedure using another test strip and a blood sample that you have collected from a finger that you have previously used (or from another). This is not something that is unusual for testers who are just starting out, and it will require some time to get comfortable with the system. However, their customer care reps are ready to help.
Error 6 means that the test strip was touched or maybe removed during the blood test. This will happen if your attempts to interrupt the blood test include either applying more blood or moving the meter too quickly; if your efforts to do that are unsuccessful, the blood test will fail.
To fix that, retry the blood test by applying a new strip of blood from the new area of your finger. Do it as you would normally do it. Be very careful about touching or removing the test strip when a test is being performed. When your blood meter emits a beep when you put your finger on it, that means that it has collected some blood and is now analyzing it. If that happens, you should have a good read on your INR test results. You will receive your INR test results very soon.
Error 4 means that the test strip is no longer usable. It can happen if blood was injected before the countdown began. It is also important not to poke your finger to see if there is a blood clot on the finger before the countdown starts. It is possible that the strip is useless because someone has removed the cap from the bottle that contains test strips.
If there is no more blood in the kit, then power off the meter, re-insert the strip and repeat. If it happens again, just throw out the test strip and try it again, but this time power off the meter, plug in a new strip and start the testing process all over again. You should not sign any papers until the 180 seconds are up!
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