Error codes for Payne Furnace

Payne Furnace is a heating and air conditioning company that is known for manufacturing heating and air conditioning systems. The company was founded in 1911 and it was established in Chicago, Illinois. Payne Furnace has been manufacturing heating and air conditioning systems since then.

Payne Furnace offers various products such as furnaces, boilers, water heaters, hot water heaters, boilers, furnaces and more. Besides these products, the company also offers ductless mini-split systems and gas-fired furnaces. These products are available online or through retail stores in different countries around the world.

If you are having issues with your Payne Furnace product or if you encounter errors while using your home appliances, here are some guides for you.

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Error Code: LED Blinking

The first code is when the blue LED light is on a yellow background. So, the furnace is running in high heat. The next one is when the green LED turns off. The furnace is operating at low heat.

Another code is the red LED flashing. It means the voltage on the line is reversed.

Error Code: 11

Error code 11 means there is nothing wrong with recent history. That shows that no faults occurred during the last cycle. To read a list of the latest faults, put the switch for SW-1 in the wrong position.

This will erase the fault history that occurred when you switched on the setup switch. After setting the switch, put the jumper thermostats r, w/w1 and y2/y2 on the same connection, and while the switch is flashing, it will flash an 11.

Error Code: 12

Error code 12. It is possible to determine that the lowest RPM for the low heat was less than 200 RPM or higher than 1350 RPM. After three hours, the auto-reset function will begin.

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Error Code: 13

Error code 13. It means that after three hours, the auto-reset function will begin. You should check for the device or misaligned limits and/or limit shields. Improve the setting of high heat gas input and low heat gas input. It is a hot-spot in the gas valve that is stuck in the high heat solenoid.

Error Code: 33

Error code 33 means there is a circulation vault or shows a limit, or flame rollout is open. Blower will run for 4 minutes or until the open switch remakes whichever is longer.

If it is open longer than 3 minutes, the code changes to lockout 13. If open less than 3 minutes, status code #33 continues to flash until the blower shuts off the flame rollout switch and requires manual reset.

It might be some defective vent in the device. Change or repair the vent. Call the technician for further help.

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