Error codes for PS5

PlayStation is a company that produces many different kinds of video games and other types of entertainment products. PlayStation makes a variety of products that include video games, movies, and other types of entertainment. PlayStation products provide high-quality graphics and sound, and some of the features that the products provide allow you to quickly get around problems that may occur.

PlayStation is a wonderful platform for people to enjoy playing video games, and some of the games that are available for PlayStation are some of the best. PlayStation products are known for being very good quality and are reliable. If there are any problems with a PlayStation product, the company is usually able to fix them.

However, PlayStation products are not immune to error codes. Some people experience trouble playing some games, but error codes are a very common problem with certain PlayStation products. Some people may experience some annoying error codes that are associated with playing certain games on their PlayStation products, and this article will provide some useful advice on how to deal with them.

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CE-108255-1 (common error)

If you are using system software and applications that are not the latest version, try installing the latest version and seeing if there are any improvements. If you receive this error when you launch a game, simply delete the game and then reinstall it.

NW-102650-4 (internet error)

Check the PSN Status Page to see if Sony is reporting any problems. Restart the PS5 and use a wired connection to access the Internet. Once you have accessed the Internet, restart the device and change the network settings to something that is consistent with what is currently set up on your device.

If you are connecting to a wireless connection, try moving your PS5 as close to your router as possible. If possible, try moving any of the obstacles that might be preventing you from connecting to the Internet. Turn off your router/modem and wait five minutes before turning it back on.

Update your router’s firmware, if necessary. If you are experiencing problems with your network, try going to your network settings and establishing a static IP address to help it work better. You will need to adjust the DNS settings that are located in the Network Settings to allow the public to see the DNS servers that are used by companies or other organizations that are free.

E2-8223b089 (exception error)

PS5 displays an error message that says that it is unable to connect to a server. Sony recommends that you try the following steps to try to (hopefully) fix this error:

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Check the PSN Status Page to see if there is any sort of problem on Sony’s side. Turn off your wireless router for about five minutes, then try turning it back on. Go to Help > Connect and find the Fix & Connect button and follow the steps provided there.

WS-116439-4 (web server error)

This error code is related to an inability to connect to the PSN server that is listed as Unable to connect to the PSN server, and this service may be temporarily unavailable. If there is a problem with the server, please check the status of the server to see if it has been harmed or if there is information on the page that indicates that it has failed.

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