Do you use Kaspersky to protect your computer, but are you getting the error message '27300 klhk.sys_x64_nt602'?
Kaspersky Antivirus is a free antivirus software that is intended for use on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Android phones. This program allows you to scan your computer and protect it from viruses, malware and other malicious programs. You will have full privacy, and you will have protected access to sites that are considered to be suspicious.
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On this page, you will find more information about the most common causes and most relevant solutions for the Kaspersky error '27300 klhk.sys_x64_nt602'. Do you need help straight away? Visit our support page.
We've created a list of solutions which you can follow if you want to solve this Kaspersky problem yourself. Do you need more help? Visit our support page if you need professional support with Kaspersky right away.
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It is possible that when you try to install Kaspersky on your computer or when you try to update it, you will experience lots of errors. The most common error that people find in this program is Kaspersky 27300-Klhk-sys-X64-Nt602. When you receive this error, it is possible that you are annoyed and frustrated because you are unable to access the software properly.
If that happens, it may be because there is a problem with the installation of the software, or it may be because there is a problem with your computer or your internet connection. If you receive this error, it could be that other programs on your computer are causing Kaspersky to not function properly. It is possible that there is a corrupted file that you had installed when you started Kaspersky. If you would like to fix this error, try out a few of the solutions below.
When installing Kaspersky, you may encounter an error message with the code 27300. The message text that is displayed includes the code that causes the error and the driver that causes the problem.
It is necessary to make sure that no programs that are incompatible with your computer are installed on your computer. If any of those applications have been installed, uninstall them.
You can also disable the verification of digital signatures for drivers in your operating system. For additional information, please visit the Microsoft Official Forum.
After you reinstall the application, you should allow drivers to have digital signatures that can be verified. Use the Kaspersky Cleanup Tool to remove all the files that you have previously installed on your computer to stop Kaspersky from running.
If you are running Windows 10, make sure that all the latest versions of these updates are installed. So, go to the Microsoft website, and click on Update Now, and follow the instructions there.
One of the last things you can do is to call customer service to get this error corrected. You are also permitted to call their customer service line and check out their website. When you are told by a customer support department that there is a message that is showing on your screen, they will usually ask you to send the message to them. They will tell you what actions you should take next, and how you should approach this problem.
Have you found a solution yourself, but it is not in the list? Share your solution in the comments below.