Telegram is a messaging application that is known for being one of the most popular messaging applications in the world. It was developed by Telegram Messenger LLP and was launched in 2013. The app allows users to send messages, photos, videos, and other media files.
Besides these features, the app also allows users to share their location with their contacts. The app also supports stickers and bots.
Telegram is available on Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and Blackberry phones.
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On this page, you will find more information about the most common causes and most relevant solutions for the Telegram error 'FLOOD_WAIT_X'. Do you need help straight away? Visit our support page.
The Telegram documentation indicates that error code 'FLOOD_WAIT_X' is caused by the following problem: "A wait of X seconds is required (where X is a number)".
Do you think there is another cause for this error? Let others know in the comments.
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Many errors can occur when you try to use this app on your device or when you try to access your account information.
To fix this error, you need to try a few solutions.
Distribute your messages over time (7-8 messages per minute)
This is a very simple solution to fix the Telegram-flood-wait error. You can reduce the number of messages that you send to your contacts every minute.
Switch from wired to a wireless connection (or vice versa)
If your device’s settings or internet browser settings allow you to connect wirelessly, then try connecting via a wired internet connection instead.
In addition, if your device has been working fine with a wired internet connection, then there may be an issue with your device’s software or with your operating system software.
Sign out from Telegram before signing in back again
This is a very simple solution to fix the Telegram-flood-wait error. Try signing out from Telegram and sign back in again. In addition, it is also possible that there is an issue with your device’s software or with your operating system software.
Change your password
Changing the password for your Telegram account can help you solve this problem. This solution might work on some devices, but not on all devices.
The best way to make sure that changing the password for an account works on all devices is by using a long and secure password.
Create multiple Telegram accounts to send mass messages
If you are experiencing this error, then it is likely that there is an issue with your internet browser settings or with your internet connection. If you are not sure if this is the case, then try creating multiple Telegram accounts and sending different messages to different accounts.