Error codes for Toyota Prius

Toyota is a Japanese car manufacturer that is also known as a leading manufacturer of automobiles. Toyota was founded in 1937, and it has since grown to become one of the largest car manufacturers in the world.

Toyota offers different types of cars such as sports cars, sedans, crossovers, hybrids, SUVs and vans. The company has been able to sell over 8 million vehicles around the world, and it has been able to sell over 3 million vehicles in the United States.

Toyota Prius is a hybrid car that is available in different countries around the world. The company is known for being one of the most popular hybrid cars that are available on the market.

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Toyota Prius has become a huge success, and it has become one of the most popular cars of this generation. Toyota itself is a company that is known for producing quality vehicles.

With that being said, there are some problems that you might encounter with your Toyota Prius. Some of these problems include a malfunctioning gas pedal or a faulty sensor or an issue with your steering.

This can cause issues with your Prius and you might have to take it to the dealership to have it fixed. If you encounter this error code while driving your Prius, then you need to try a few solutions to fix this problem.

You can try updating the firmware of your car’s computer, changing the fuse in your car’s fuse box and trying different tools for diagnosing and fixing problems with electronic systems.

Some error codes you may find are as follows. POA80 CODE needs you to replace the hybrid battery pack. You might feel: diminished fuel efficiency, diminished general control and performance, and other HV Battery related codes.

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Error codes for Toyota Prius

The causes could be an imperfect HV Battery, module, or battery pack. Individual module resistance is excessive. Or might be because of module voltage out of balance HV, battery pack fans/computer failure, or corroded, broken or free busbar connectors/wiring.


P3000 code signals to you that there is a malfunction in the battery control system. Based on the glitch flag obtained from the battery Electronic Control Unit (ECU), the framework cautions the driver.

The DTC is yielded when the state of charge (SOC) of the HV battery diminishes as a result of running out of gas, clearing out the car within the N position, or a glitch within the HV Control Framework.

The causes are HV control system, low fuel supply, and HV battery assembly. The symptoms that you might find is that the engine light and triangle light on.


If the engine light or ABS warning light is on, it might be C1241 code. It means there is a low battery positive voltage. It could be caused by issued batteries, such as a low battery or faulty battery.

P3011 – P3024

Error codes P3011 – P3024 could be caused by faulty HV battery assembly or faulty battery ECU. Battery block could be weak, but it depends on the code.

For example, P3011 means that battery block 1 becomes weak. P3012 is the error code for battery block 2. And so on until P3024 for battery block 24.

If you keep find the error codes, please contact customer service or come to the service center.

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