Error codes for Zanussi Washing Machine

Errors on washing machines manufactured by Zanussi will be easily visible using two separate methods. If the machine is fitted with an error LCD, you’re likely to see the letter E (which stands for error) displayed on the screen with two numbers after it.

If you have no display on your washing machine, some buttons on your front panel may actually be LEDs that are blinking.


Some washing machines will blink blinking LEDs which flash continuously from green to red. If the machine stops washing clothes after five minutes, the fault code is E24, which means that it is unable to drain the water.

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If the washing machines do not fill up with water properly, fault E11 will be shown. If you are having problems with the water entering your washing machines, check that the hose that lets water into your machine is properly fitted. If it is, make sure that it is straight. It could be a fault with a leaking water supply or an insufficient switch to turn on the water supply to your machine.


E13 is a code that may indicate that a leak has been detected in the computer. If a Zanussi appliance has a built-in water leak detection system, you could get this error message. To fix this fault, you need to find and fix the cause of the leak. Find out why the water is leaking and work out how to fix it.

E21, E22 or E24

If the problem is E21, E22 or E24, make sure there is no blockage in either of the filters or in your pump, and check the connections between the pump and the plumbing and its components. If there is a blockage in any of these, it may cause your washer to not drain correctly.


Water constantly fills a drum, and it does not stop. The all E3* error codes are related to the pressure switch, the part in the wash machine which controls how much water enters the drum. Problems occur quite frequently such as the switches being dangling in the wrong places or even the chamber and hose which leads to the change are clogged which is quite typical.


If a device on which you are running Windows is displaying E4* in the address bar, that means something is wrong with the door lock. You’re going to need a good look at the wiring and connections behind the doors and in the control panel to see if there are any obvious faults with them.

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E6* and E7*

E6* as well as E7* fault codes indicate that there is an issue with the heating system in the washing machine. You’re going to need a new heating element installed, a new temperature sensor installed and any other devices that connect to the system. Each problem relating to the heating system involves a particular system.

E8* and E9*

E8* or E9* error messages are caused by a programming error in the main controller of a machine. Many Zanussi products are programmed to work with various combinations of buttons in your machine. If something breaks on one of these machines, contact Zanussi directly and ask them to send an engineer to fix it.

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