Error codes for Roomba

iRobot is a company that makes a number of robots and other home appliances. Roomba is a robotic vacuum cleaner that was developed by iRobot.

Roomba is a popular model from iRobot that is designed to clean hard floors quickly and efficiently. Roomba vacuum cleaners are designed to be easy to use because they feature a smart sensor that allows the Roomba to move around the room and clean up large areas easily. The motor is powerful enough to clean a large area quickly, and the cleaning system is designed to remove dirt, dust and other debris.

But Roomba products sometimes experience error codes, like other products. Roomba robot vacuum cleaners often give you error codes that tell you that something is wrong, and when that happens, it can cause a number of different problems.

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Beep / Error 1 (On Roomba 500 and 600 Series)

Roomba says Use this button to move it from its current location to a safer area and then press CLEAN to restart. It can happen when the Roomba is stuck or when a side wheel on the Roomba is hanging.

Roombas are easily damaged, so first check the side wheels and make sure that they can retract and extend freely. Roomba says Error Code when you move it from one place to another. Check to see if it is now able to move again.

Beeps / Error 6

Roomba is saying Error 6: Move Roomba to a new location and then press CLEAN to restart. This happens when one of the roomba sensors is dirty or when it is stuck, ideally on a cliff or a hard surface.

If you clean the sensors, move the robot to a new location and press CLEAN to restart it.

10 Beeps / Error 10

Roomba has stuck on the cliff sensor and cannot move. If you get this message again, simply spin the Roomba’s side wheels to get rid of any obstructions that are preventing it from moving freely. Roomba does not allow the side wheels to spin freely, and sometimes it will not move at all.

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If you cannot move the Roomba to another location, try moving it to a different location and pressing CLEAN to reset it. During normal use, unplug any devices that are preventing the Roomba wheels from turning freely.

Roomba products may occasionally be stuck and show an error code. Roomba will occasionally show error codes that indicate that the Roomba wheels are stuck and cannot turn freely.

Try pushing the wheels in and out of your house to remove any obstructions. If you cannot turn the wheels or something is blocking them, you can try turning them manually (e.g., by turning them by hand to check that nothing is blocking them).

It can happen if you have a large room in your house that has very few items in it. Whenever this occurs, you can use virtual walls to split a large area of your home into smaller rooms.

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